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Engineering, Management & Operation of Extrusion Plants (South Africa)


Participants can attend on site, or via live-streaming (in South Africa Standard Time Zone).


This 3-day course covers the principles of extrusion, the design of extrusion processes, and the formulation of extruded products. Principles learned will be demonstrated using the CFAM pilot plant facility. The program is relevant to the production of all types of extruded products - eg expanded snacks and breakfast cereals, pastas and third generation snack pellets, pet foods and aquafeeds. The course applies to both single and twin screw extrusion technology.

We take the approach of presenting the theory of how the extrusion process works - but with a practical focus, relating it to typical extrusion processes. This understanding not only assists the planning and engineering of extrusion lines, and the formulation of extruded products, but provides a basis for managers and operators in the running of extrusion plants.


To provide an understanding of extrusion technology to —

  • Enable the design of appropriate extrusion lines

  • Assist the formulation of extruded product that run efficiently

  • Assist line managers to plan efficient operation and maintenance

  • Provide extruder operators with the tolls to understand how to best maintain optimum processes.

Who Should Attend?

This program provides value to those planning or running extrusion operations - from engineers, managers and line supervisors, to extruder operators. Note that many topics are quite technical in nature, but we start from basics, assuming no prior knowledge, so that participants can take understanding at a level appropriate to their requirements.


This course is sponsored by CFAM. We appreciate support/sponsorship from companies involved in providing equipment and services relevant to Extrusion.

Registration Fee

R12,500 per person

A 5% discount applies for three or more course registrations received together from the same company.

​The registration fee includes handout notes directly related to the presentations.

To book places at this course, click below to access the registration form on the ExtruAfrica website.


Fees, less a 15% handling charge, will be refunded if participants cancel their registration prior to the closing date for registrations. Fees will not be refunded after that date, but a substitute participant will be accepted at any time.

FiE reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course if necessary (e.g. due to insufficient registrations). In this case a full refund of fees will be available. FoodStream’s Liability is limited to the registration fee only, and FoodStream cannot be held liable for air fares, accommodation, or other related expenses.


This course will be live-streamed online, in South African business hours (South Africa Standard Time) - participate from anywhere.

It is offered in conjunction with:

Extrusion R&D Centre
Kanaalweg 102
South Africa

Further Information & Enquiries

Visit the ExtruAfrica course webpage, or contact:

Gordon Young (FiE)
+61 414 681200

Extrusion training can also be offered to companies on-site at their facility, at a level suitable for operators, or for technical staff.

Course Presenters

FoodStream is an Australian company which, working with Gordon Young of FiE and extrusion specialist Dennis Forte, has been presenting extrusion training in countries including Australia, Thailand, and New Zealand for 20 years. This course has been presented annually in Norway since 2015, with excellent feedback from participants.

The main presenter is Mr Dennis Forte, a chemical engineer with extensive experience in extrusion processing and die design, including aquafeed production. Dennis has worked with a wide variety of companies and extruded products.

Mr Gordon Young is a food process engineer who has worked in extrusion technology in both University research and with private companies. He is also experienced in a wide range of other food processing technologies, including specific expertise in drying technology and thermal processing.

Books Written by Course Presenters

Available to course participants at 20% discount to list price. If pre-ordered (see option on Registration Form), a copy will be provided at the course.  Limited spare copies will also be available for perusal/purchase at the course until sold out (orders at the same book cost, plus delivery, will be accepted for delivery after the course).

An additional 20% discount applies if copies of both book are purchased.

Food & Feed Extrusion Technology:
An Applied Approach to Extrusion Theory

This book contains information on the application of extrusion technology. The second edition of this book is now available in English & Spanish versions.

› Hardcover 2810 Rand (USD152)

The Design of Food Extrusion Dies

This book is unique in providing specific guidance on die design, with worked examples and tutorials.

Hardcover  3850 Rand (USD208)

Shipping -

› Some jurisdictions may apply additional import duties, charged directly to the receiver of the book/s.

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