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Food Engineering Principles & Practices (New Zealand)

  • FoodBowl 28 Verissimo Drive Auckland New Zealand (map)


Was planned for September, but postponed to dates to be announced - express interest below.


This Food Engineering program presents some basic principles which are fundamental to a wide range of food processing operations. In this single day program, it is obviously not possible to provide in-depth knowledge in any particular area. Rather, the aim is to provide non-engineers with basic understanding of the background theory, to assist them to know what is involved in engineering developments, and to help them communicate with technology suppliers.

The program starts with a review of units & dimensions, and of basic thermodynamics. This is used to explain phase transitions - freezing and evaporation of food products, but also underpins our understanding of steam commonly used as a heating medium in food factories.

Mechanisms of heat transfer are explained, and therefore the principles involved in specifying and designing food heat processes. Common types of heating and cooling equipment is also reviewed.

After lunch, mass and energy balances are explained. Mass and energy balances provide a fundamental tool to help us analyse food processes - to understand where energy is used, and where it may be wasted, and therefore assist in improving and optimising processes.

Principles of food rheology are also explained - including fluid viscosity and the non-Newtonian nature of many of our food products. This topic is important to our control of food quality characteristics such as texture, but it also provides a basis for understanding fluid flow and specification of fluid transfer (eg pumping) systems.

Registration Fee

EARLY BIRD RATE NZD780 + GST per person
 (AUD750 + GST)
STANDARD RATE NZD870 + GST per person
(AUD840 + GST)


28 Verissimo Drive
Auckland NZ


Course Presenters

FoodStream is an Australian company which, working with Gordon Young of FiE and process engineering specialist Dennis Forte, has been presenting practical training programs for over 20 years. We have previously presented drying programs in Australia, Thailand and Norway. We have teamed with Foodbowl to offer this short course on Food Drying Technology in NZ.

Further Information & Enquiries

Visit our Contact page, or contact Foodbowl.

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