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HMEC (Extrusion of Plant-Based Meats), Australia

  • Live streamed from Australia (AEDT) Victoria Australia (map)

Presented online via live stream from Australia.

We welcome participation from anywhere, but please note this program will be live streamed from Australia, between 10:00am & 6:00pm (AEDT) to make it more accessible to Southeast Asia participants.

Note this program is also being offered in American business hours on 1 & 2 December - click here for details.


High Moisture Extrusion Cooking (HMEC) is used to process functional protein ingredients into meat-like textures - that is, used to make “Plant-Based Meats”. It is a specialised application of extrusion technology. While not, in itself, a “new” process, it is only recently that it has started to become more widely used commercially, at a time when the vegetarian and vegan markets are expanding rapidly, and there is increasing concern over the environmental sustainability of continued widespread consumption of animal products.

The program starts by introducing extrusion technology in general, but moves quickly to consideration of the ingredients used for HMEC. Explanation of the protein reactions required to cause texturisation alternates with presentation of the conditions required in the extruder and how to achieve those conditions.

In HMEC, the design of the die is critical in firstly achieving texturisation, and secondly in controlling the type of texture produced. What is happening in the die, and the design of long cooled texturisation dies, is discussed.

To demonstrate the theory, two practical demonstrations will be shown (pre-recorded videos). On Day 1 a demonstration of basic HMEC technology, and on Day 2 showing how adjusting conditions in the barrel can be used to modify and control the texture.


  • All presentations will be live-streamed using Zoom between 10:00am & 6:00pm (AEDT) Melbourne, Australia time.

  • The practical session on Day 2 will also be live-streamed.

  • Participants are encouraged to interact in real time - ask questions, comment, discuss.

  • Participants must have access to reliable internet & suitable computer to download zoom (free version) to link to the course.


Day 1 of this course is sponsored by Baker Perkins.
Day 2 of this course is sponsored by Clextral.

We appreciate support/sponsorship from companies involved in providing equipment and services relevant to HMEC.

Registration Fee

1260 AUD per person
(+ 10% GST if invoiced to Australia)

or THB30,000, SGD1240, USD920 depending on the exchange rate at time of payment. Registration fees are fixed in AUD, but may vary in other currencies according to fluctuations in exchange rates.


A 10% discount applies for registrations received by 6 October 2021, and paid within 14 days of that date.

A 5% discount applies for three or more course registrations received together from the same company.

Additional 10% discount for AIFST members.

Special fees for research organisations and PhD students (subject to places available).

Advise on registration form if claiming special fee -

  • Non-profit Research Organisation (including University staff) – AUD 850 or THB20,000 (or equivalent).

  • PhD Students – AUD 465 or THB11,000 (or equivalent). Advise University you are enrolled in at registration.

Registration fee includes handout notes directly related to the presentations, to be emailed prior to course commencement.


To book places at this course, click below to access the registration form.

We will confirm your registration and send an invoice for registration fees. Fees must be paid prior to the course.


Fees, less a 10% handling charge, will be refunded if participants cancel their registration prior to the closing date for registrations. Fees will not be refunded after that date, but a substitute participant will be accepted at any time.

Food Industry Engineering reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course if necessary (e.g. due to insufficient registrations). In this case a full refund of fees will be available. Food Industry Engineering’s liability is limited to the registration fee only, and Food Industry Engineering cannot be held liable for air fares, accommodation, or other related expenses.


Participate via Zoom.

Further Information & Enquiries

Visit our Contact page.

Course Presenters

The main presenter is Mr Dennis Forte a chemical engineer with extensive experience in extrusion processing and die design, having worked with a variety of companies and extruded products, including breakfast cereals and snacks, pet foods and aqua-feeds, pasta, and confectionery.

Mr Gordon Young is a food process engineer who has worked in extrusion technology in both University research and with private companies. He is also experienced in a wide range of other food processing technologies, including specific expertise in drying technology and thermal processing.

Books by the Course Presenters

Available to course participants at 20% discount to list price, with free shipping if pre-ordered (see option on Registration Form).

Food & Feed Extrusion Technology:
An Applied Approach to Extrusion Theory

This book provides background on extrusion technology relevant to all types of extruded food products.
› Hardcover $242 (AUD) + GST if applicable (THB5770, USD176)

The Design of Food Extrusion Dies

This book is unique in providing specific guidance on die design, with worked examples and tutorials.
Hardcover $287 (AUD) + GST if applicable (THB6815, USD208)

Food Extrusion Process Scale-Up & Process Transfer:
Witchcraft or Science?

Scaling an extrusion process involves an understanding of many process variables. This book shows how scientific and engineering principles can be used to achieve the required outcome.
Hardcover $275 (AUD) + GST if applicable (THB6560, USD200)

Shipping -

› Flat rate shipping AUD25/THB600 per order.
› 10% GST added to orders from Australia.
› Some jurisdictions may apply additional import duties, charged directly to the receiver of the book/s.

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